
(vocal by karl hyde)

thank you for the time
like a razors kiss my wound
cut me to open
im ready to use
bring the newer ending sense
i need the comfort of a stranger
eighteen years all the wait
like a razor kiss my wound
thank you for the touch
like a razor kiss my wound
cut me to open

tongue *alternative lyrics

(vocal by karl hyde)

thinking for the touch
like a razor curse my word
get me to heaven
im ready to use
bring the new woman dancing
i need the comfort of a stranger
eighteen years on the way
like a razor curse my word
thinking for the touch
like a razor curse my word
cut me to open

* neither version has been verified by any reliable source - bss believe the first version to be the more accurate of the two….from ‘tongue’ – ‘dubnobasswithmyheadman’ vinyl lp version - to be verified fully soon.
